Our teeth play essential roles in our lives. They help us chew and digest our food and talk plainly. They also contribute to our appearance. A healthy mouth also helps ward off many medical conditions like heart disease and diabetes. However, nearly 20 percent of US adults aged 65 and older have lost all their teeth, according to the Centers for Disease Control.
Dentists see more than 3 million cases of gum disease per year, with many of those cases requiring surgical intervention for correction. Common signs include red, swollen gums, persistent bad breath, and mouth sores, along with gums visibly pulling away from the teeth and easily bleeding. Surprisingly, gum disease may not cause any discomfort until it reaches the later stages.
A whiter smile can make us feel more confident in ourselves and our appearance. With that in mind, the debate arises over whether to whiten at home or at the dentist.
For more and more people, teeth whitening has become a necessity for helping them look and feel their best. Everywhere you look, from magazine images to your Instagram feed, the importance of having clean, white teeth is all around you.
Going to the dentist can be one of those tasks that people know they SHOULD keep up with, but also one that is easily forgotten or pushed aside when lives get busy. However, despite the ‘laissez faire‘ attitude that some have toward proper dental care, studies show that in order to maintain a healthy mouth, it is suggested that patients schedule cleanings and dental exams every six months.
Did you know that according to a survey by the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, 74% of adults believe that an unappealing smile can hurt them professionally? That fact says a lot about how people view their teeth and the value they place on having an attractive smile. It’s very likely that you or someone you know might want to have some kind of cosmetic dentistry procedure performed.
One of the most effective cosmetic dentistry procedures is teeth whitening. Discover the basics of this popular procedure and you just might consider going to your dentist for this smile-enhancing procedure.
Teeth whitening services have become a darling for many people, especially in grooming. If you are highly interested in a professional appearance, here are some of the reasons why you should consider whitening your teeth.
Our teeth our a very important part of our bodies. Not only do they allow us to eat, but as a species, we place a lot of value on the beauty of our smiles. This gives our teeth both a functional and an aesthetic purpose. This means that caring for our teeth is a big deal, especially because failing to do so could lead to infections or other problems.
“Did you brush your teeth?” It’s a question all parents have asked their children. Because we realize the value of healthy teeth and a beautiful smile, we want them to learn to care for their teeth every day. If you and your child are feeling frustrated with dental hygiene, you’re not alone. It takes time to establish healthy habits, and dentists recommend making these habits a fun activity for your children.
We think you deserve an elevated dental experience. Call (865) 687-9350 or click below to set up your first visit. We look forward to meeting you!